Learn the Answers to FAQ About KYBELLA® Injections
People throughout the El Paso area have discovered how exciting KYBELLA injections can be for their chin profiles. KYBELLA can help restore the natural appearance of your chin and jawline by reducing the amount of visible fat cells in the area.
Our experts at SkinSational MedSpa in El Paso, TX can help you with KYBELLA injections to improve how your chin and jawline appear.
Here are a few questions to consider when looking at KYBELLA injections and how they can fit your needs.
What is KYBELLA?
KYBELLA is a synthetic deoxycholic acid injection that can improve how submental fat under the chin looks. It is a nonsurgical approach to clearing the fat deposits around this area and requires a simple injection.
How does KYBELLA work?
KYBELLA features a deoxycholic acid component similar to the acid already in your body. The compound naturally helps break down dietary fat, meaning that it can help destroy fat cells. KYBELLA naturally breaks apart the fat cells in the chin area, so they cannot store or gather fat.
How is KYBELLA administered?
One of our expert team members will inject the compound under the chin, with multiple small injections, working around the upper neck area. It takes about 15 – 20 minutes for a provider to complete the injection process.
How many KYBELLA sessions are necessary?
At SkinSational MedSpa, we can create a plan to help you get the results and profile you deserve. You may need as many as six treatments to receive optimal results. Each treatment will be spaced one month apart, as the body requires time to remove excess fat cells from the area.
What is recovery like after KYBELLA injections?
KYBELLA is popular for being a noninvasive treatment option for fat deposits under the chin. It does not require an extensive recovery period since anesthesia is not necessary. You can get back to your normal activities following treatment, but be sure to watch for any side effects you may experience.
What side effects come with KYBELLA?
Patients who receive KYBELLA injections can experience side effects, like swelling and numbness in the injection areas, although those concerns will only last for about 2 – 3 days on average. Patients with infections in the treatment should not receive injections, as they could experience serious side effects, like difficulty swallowing.
People who take anticoagulant medications or other medicines that prevent blood clotting may experience bleeding issues afterward. Let us know if you take these or any other medications or herbal supplements before undergoing a treatment plan.
Get cosmetic treatments in El Paso, TX
You can contact our experts at SkinSational MedSpa today if you’re looking to boost your chin profile. We are proud to serve the aesthetic needs of our clients in the El Paso community. Our office is near the Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso and is open on weekdays and weekends, so contact us today to schedule a visit.